Finding joy in midlife
Joy in midlife can be elusive so what is the 1% rule that will help you find your joy?
Taking a leap of faith
Taking the leap into the great unknown can be scary and daunting but also rewarding. But do they always turn out how we expected?
Dreaming through Midlife and Menopause
Vivid dreams can become the norm as we go through peri/menopause, but why is that?
The Art of Self Care
I don't want another thing to 'have' to do so what is self care and why is it important?
Becoming the Wise Woman
Western society has lost the important role of the Wise Woman. What does it look like for women to pick up that mantle and step fully into that role?
What causes weight gain in menopause?
One of the most often asked questions is why we put on weight in peri/menopause. Here are your answers!
The benefits of menopause
Are there any benefits to menopause? I think so but they may not be what you think.
Celebrating our power
Menopause is a time to question and to change the way we live our lives. It’s also a time to celebrate our power.
Creativity in any form
Denying our creativity is denying ourselves of fun and the ability to express ourselves. When we are enjoying being creative in whatever form that takes, those around us benefit too.
A lesson in letting go
Sometimes when we hang on to things too tightly, it stops us from moving forward. We need to let go and allow the flow.
Can you have a happy menopause?
Perimenopause and menopause are usually seen as a difficult time. Here are some ideas to help you to enjoy your menopause transition as much as possible.
Menopause look-a-likes
We often blame all our midlife health issues on menopause, but there are some things that look like menopause but aren’t.
How do I know I’m in perimenopause?
What are the signs and symptoms of perimenopause? When does it start? How long does it last? And what can you do to make the transition as easy as possible?
Menopause - just another growth phase
We go through certain developmental stages as children, and we don’t stop developing when we reach adulthood, so why isn’t menopause seen as simply another developmental phase for women?
What’s the deal with feminine business?
I’ve discovered why I never truly felt comfortable in corporates so I’m going to try a new way of doing things aka feminine business.
What’s the purpose of menopause?
Humans and Orca both go through menopause and it’s purpose used to be the same. I think that’s changed for humans, but what does that mean for the post menopausal woman?
Slowing down to speed up
Our bodies are going through a massive change at menopause. We need to slow down now, in order to speed up later.
Where is my Second Spring and why is it taking so long?!
The menopause journey can challenge us with flip flops, forward steps and reversals. It’s not just a physical journey, but one of emotional and mental upheaval as well.
Intentional being
With a new moon and Astrological new year, it seemed fitting to set some new intentions. Plus I found out how intentions actually affect your perceptions!