Hello beautiful!
Welcome to my site!
I know it’s very pink and purple, but that’s just me. Those are my colours - they make me feel good, and I feel best when I’m wearing them, so why not have them in my website as well? Hopefully they make you feel good too!
My coaching has come about because I realised that I wasn’t fulfilled in the corporate world. I had a good job in a good company but it just wasn’t lighting my fire. Given the sudden changes in my life after my concussion (see my About Me page for more details) I realised things needed to change. I needed to be more me. As I step deeper and deeper into this I have a burning desire to help others really find out who they are and find the joy and happiness that comes with that.
Being true to myself has been quite a long process for me. It’s taken me until I’m in my fifties to really start owning my desires and following through on them. It’s taken me this long to find my voice and start using it. What that means is that I now believe it’s okay to have my own opinion and to let that opinion be heard in a way that feels right to me, to say no to things I actually don’t want to do, and to say yes to things that I really want to do even though other people may think I’m a bit weird.
Perhaps you feel the same? Like a lot of people, I’ve come to the realisation that our current Western society is not set up to allow people to embrace who they really are. We need to fit in to a very masculine society where tasks, actions, goals and doing are the most important things. This negates the more intuitive, emotional, empathetic and caring aspects in which women are typically so brilliant.
I’m not here to make a big statement or blow my trumpet in any way. What I hope to be able to do is to connect with other beautiful souls on the planet and explore things together that will help us all to find the happiness and contentment that so many of us dream of.
I truly hope my site inspires you and that you find some helpful information to support and intrigue you. Please reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hi! It’s always exciting to hear from someone who has found my site!!
Connecting with me
There are several different ways to connect with me. I don’t want to be someone that remains unobtainable or remote from you. I’m just like you - truly I am! I want you to feel like you can reach out and have a conversation with me. So here are a few options if you feel like stepping a bit closer and getting to know me.
If you’d like to receive regular updates and keep in touch you can sign up to my email list in the footer below. Emails will go out on a fortnightly basis. I don’t want to become that annoying email that turns up so often you start deleting it without looking at it!
Social Media
For more regular snippets of information you might like to follow me on Instagram (@karenmaggscoaching) or Facebook You’ll find regular short updates, thoughts, and commentary in those social media options.
My blog
My blog post will cover a particular topic in more depth than any of the other areas where you can connect with me. It’s an opportunity to explore an area more thoroughly and I have a load of areas to cover off. If there are any areas that you have a particular interest in, just let me know and we can explore them together.
All in all I want to say don’t be a stranger, get in touch and let’s chat! I’d love to get to know you.