Birds as messengers


Some of you will have seen my recent social media post about the three doves that took up residence in our Pheonix Palm about four years ago. They came at a time when I needed a lot of support and have never left. We’ve enjoyed watching their numbers grow and can even see different personalities in the chicks that get kicked out of the nest when it’s time to learn to fly.

We were quite shocked at this at first, but now know it’s simply how doves teach their babies to fly. The fledglings usually spend a couple of days on the ground looking hopefully up at the fronds above and then finally figure out how to get up there by flying.

A couple have taken to climbing a nearby tree to get as high as possible, some just sit at the base of the tree squeaking for days, and one adventurous one did a walking tour of the whole garden and all the patio areas as well before finding his wings and flying up to the top of the Pheonix Palm.

Why are birds known as messengers?

Birds were deemed to be messengers because they fly between Heaven and Earth, so in ancient times this was thought to be how messages arrived from above. They also have the ability to view things from a different vantage point and help us to think outside the box by taking a broader view of things. We often talk about getting a birds eye view of something or when someone is good at the detail we describe them as having an eagle eye.

So let’s look at a few of the most common birds and what they mean, and then what their actions signify.

Types of birds and their symbolism


These are seen as both good omens and messengers of bad news. Blackbirds can be know as a messenger of death. They are also closely connected to spiritual realms and Shamanism. They remind us to find our voice, as they have found theirs. Rather than soaring to great heights, blackbirds spend a lot of time on the ground, do what they need to do and then return to their nest. They represent home, family, guidance awareness, magic and safety.


Known as the bird of peace, they bring messages of peace and hope, as well as protection. People born with the Dove as their totem animal are known to be very compassionate and easy to be around. The will avoid chaotic environments and seek out a serene and nurturing environment.


Ducks have many different meanings depending on which culture you are from. Celtic symbolism suggests that the Mallard duck relates to migration and transition. Honesty and simplicity as well as resourcefulness are symbolised by the duck. They are seen as easily adaptable because they move between land and water.


Eagles soar at great heights, reminding us to take a broader perspective and to see the bigger picture. They remind us to speak our truth but also to stay true to ourselves and keep going on our quest. They can also represent change, rebirth or renewal and remind us to tap into our own inner strength in preparation for that change.


Hawke reminds us about observation followed by swift and decisive action. Focus on what is ahead and pay attention to gut instincts.


Kingfishers represent control, adaptation, abundance and peace. It also encourages us to tackle our fears head on. It can herald new things coming into our life.


Owls are known for their wisdom, intuition, power, and intelligence. They quietly observe and take everything in without drawing attention to themselves. They have the ability to see what others do not see. Owl people may be particularly creative at night.


Unsurprisingly one of Magpies traits is communication. It’s all about finding balance between self-expression and idle talk. They are adaptable and are believed to be an omen of good fortune. They can also herald deception and fraud so it’s a reminder that everything in life has two sides to it. Magpies love beautiful things but can also be materialistic.


Sparrows represent community and co-operation. You’ll always find them in groups working together. They are hard working and encourage us to work for the things we want.


Swans are associated with spirituality, innocence, purity and romance. They also reflect devotion, loyalty and monogamy because they mate only once in their lifetime. Swans are also known to represent transformation and you can see this in the story of the ugly duckling who was ridiculed for being ugly only to be transformed into a beautiful swan as he grew. Another common meaning includes grace, particularly under pressure. Swans move gracefully on the surface of the water, but there is much going on underneath with its feet!

When a bird crosses your path

There are a number of ways a bird can cross your path and they all have different meanings. Sometimes it’s hard to figure out what that meaning is but let’s have a look at some of the most common meanings.

A bird hits your window

There are so many different interpretations of this it’s hard to figure out what this signifies, but generally it’s an indicator of change in one form or another.

A bird flies directly across your path

This can indicate that you are heading in the right direction. Sometimes it means pay attention - it’s a reminder to look around you and to stop being so focused on one thing.

A bird flies into your house

This is often interpreted as being an omen for the death of someone in your family or it could also be telling you that change is coming. Also, the colour of the bird makes a difference. In some beliefs a white bird heralds death, whilst in others it’s a black bird that does this. Blue birds represent both happiness and sadness, yellow indicate happiness and red birds indicate passion or danger.

Birds in dreams

These can often be an important message from your spirit guides so it’s a good idea to try to remember exactly what was in your dream so you can decipher it. It can mean spiritual evolvement and freedom but it also depends on what sort of bird you see. If it’s an Eagle it can remind you to take a broader perspective on what’s going on in your life. If it’s a Dove it might be encouraging you to bring more peace into your life. If the bird is flying in your dream it symbolises abundance and progress. Recently I dreamed of a Flamingo which was reminding me to take a more balanced view on life.

Bringing it all together

You have to be a bit of a sleuth to bring all these meanings together. You need to look at:

  • what happened (did the bird hit the window?)

  • what type of bird was it?

  • what colour was it?

  • what were you thinking about/doing at the time?

  • how many birds were there?

If one Dove hit your window it might be indicating change is about to happen. If three Doves move in to your garden, as in my case, it can indicate peace and protection, or a reminder to be aware of all aspects of your self - body, mind and spirit.

After a while you get a feel for what the ‘message’ might be but often it requires a bit of Googling to get the full meaning.

Have fun investigating your bird messengers!



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